UHT - MIDI-encoders zetten klaviersignalen om in MIDI-signalen. Elk klavier is via een 20-pins lintkabel op de MIDI-encoder aangesloten. Standaard MIDI-kabels worden gebruikt om verbinding te maken met de geluidskaart van uw computer. Deze kunt u bij ons bestellen in verschillende lengtes. Als alternatief kan de MIDI-encoder ook rechtstreeks via USB op de computer worden aangesloten.


  • MIDIO 1

    • for 1 manual or pedalboard
    • 1 x MIDI OUT
    • 1 x MIDI IN
    • dynamic (velocity) mode
    • single contact mode (NOTE ON/OFF)
    • upper or lower contact selectable
    • individual adjustment of the MIDI channels
  • MIDIO 1 LC

    • small version of the MIDIO1
    • for 1 manual or pedalboard
    • 1 x MIDI OUT
    • dynamic (velocity) mode
    • single contact mode (NOTE ON/OFF)
    • upper or lower contact selectable
    • MIDI channel is fixed = channel 1
  • MIDIO 4

    • for up to 4 manuals and/or pedalboard
    • 2 x MIDI OUT
    • 1 x MIDI IN
    • dynamic (velocity) mode
    • single contact mode (NOTE ON/OFF)
    • upper or lower contact selectable
    • individual adjustment of the MIDI channels
  • MIDIO 4 LC

    • small version of the MIDIO 4
    • for up to 4 manuals and/or pedalboard
    • 1 x MIDI OUT
    • dynamic (velocity) mode
    • single contact mode (NOTE ON/OFF)
    • upper or lower contact selectable
    • MIDI channels are fixed = 1, 2, 3 and 4

    • 2 x MIDI IN
    • 1 x MIDI OUT
    • 5V power supply is required

    • 4 x MIDI IN
    • 1 x MIDI OUT
    • 5V power supply is required





    The HW2 Extension is developed to be used in combination with the Software „HAUPTWERK“ to connect (unlighted) pistons and swell pedals. As the name implies it is an extension. HW2 does not have its own MIDI Encoder on board, so it will not work without MIDIO4.


    With the HW2 Extension you can connect a 5th manual and a pedalboard, both velocity sensitive. With the small DIP switches the velocity mode can be switched ON or OFF. when single contact mode is set, you can choose between the upper and the lower contact. (same as at MIDIO4). The MIDI channels are fix. Pedalboard = channel 1, manual 5 = channel 14. Additonally you can connect up to 128 switches (and / or push buttons) and up to 4 potentiometers (swell pedals). The potentiometers will be connected to the stereo jacks sockets. Furthermore there are 6 mono jack sockets for connecting toe pistons. With an arbour-mounted circuit board this option can be extended to 12 mono jack sockets. The ports for the switches / push buttons are arranged in 8 groups of 16 pins (X1 -X8). There is a difference in processing the signals of push buttons and switches. You can choose how you want to configure the HW2 Extension. Default 0 = 128 push buttons, default 1 = 128 switches. And of course there are also mixed configurations available. As for example 108 push buttons + 16 switches, or 92 push buttons + 32 switches etc.


    gerelateerde downloads: HW2-connection (.pdf file 483 kB)




    • KOKO 2

      • UHT ORGELKLAVIEREN kunnen via een adapter met bijna elk systeem van elektronische toetsenscanning verbonden worden. Zo worden H- actieve en L- actieve eveneens bediend zoals verschillende stekkertoewijzingen. Deze adapters zijn aangepast aan het UHT-contactsysteem.
    • 64 to WAGO

      • This adapt board converts signals from 64pol. flat cable IN into 64 screw connectors (or clamp connectors) OUT. 64toWAGO is passive and works in both directions. There’s no power supply needed. So, the screw connectors (or clamp connectors) can also be converted into a 64pol. flat cable output.





      Elektrische speeltafels van pijporgels vereisen meestal een contactschakeling voor elke afzonderlijke toets. Hiervoor zijn de 2 interfacekaarten S402061 DS en S402061 DSP ontwikkeld.


      • S402061DS

        • The UHT - S402061DS interface transforms the matrix into single contact signals. At inputs or load resistances the interface can operate with an operating voltage of up to DC 30V. The PCB has a special design, so the interface can easily be mounted at the frame of the keyboard. The interface will be connected to the organ electronic with a 64 pol. ribbon cable. The pins 62, 63 and 64 are not assigned, so they are free configurable. With jumpers to be set, the contact can be selected. (point of speech = upper contact or lower contact) The outputs are low-active. The COM voltage of the load resistances is switched to GND. An adapter board with screw connectors is available as an option. S402061DS can supply single outputs as described above AND MIDI-OUT at the same time. (additional MIDI-Encoder required). DS means „dual scan“
      • S402061DSP

        • The difference to the S4020DS is, that the S402061 DSP interface gives high active signals when a key is pressed. As for example 24V are connected to COM -> 24V output will be supplied.





        Als de wens bestaat om het drukpunt en de contactdrempel aan het begin van de toetsdiepte te leggen, dan adviseren we de speciaal daarvoor ontwikkelde toets rebound. Elke toets, wanneer ze spontaan terugkeert naar de rustpositie, komt aan de bovenste aanslag in trillingen. Dat heeft tot gevolg dat de contactdrempel een- of meermaals weer onderschreden wordt en het tot ongewilde klankherhalingen komt. Deze fysicawet kan helaas niet buiten werking gesteld worden. Bij de UHT toets rebound wordt gedurende de tijd van het stuiteren een nieuwe inschakeling onderdrukt. Deze tijd kan met behulp van een regelaar ingesteld worden. Bij te grote tijdskeuze vermindert de mogelijke repetitiefrequentie van de toets, die normaal bij UHT klavieren zeer hoog is. Hier moet de organist zelf zijn compromis vinden.






          • The wear free contact system can be used for keyboards with up to 61 notes. (also for 54, 56 and 58 notes)

          • Each magnet can be adjusted in it's height, so the point of speech is equal at every key. Additionally the contact rail can be adjusted globally in it's vertical position.
          • Example of an old keyboard retrofitted with our contact system
          • Example of a mechanical action keyboard equipped with our contact system


          With any of our MIDI-Encoders, interfaces and adapt prints it can either be used in the single contact mode (NOTE ON/OFF) or in the double contact mode (velocity.  The according magnets and mounting brackets are included.





            • The wear free pedalboard contact system can be used for pedalboards with up to 32 notes. (also for 25, 27 and 30 notes)
            • Due to the long holes, the contacts can be adjusted in it's height, so the point of speech can be adjusted.
            • contact system fitted to a pedalboard


            With any of our MIDI-Encoders, interfaces and adapt prints it can either be used in the single contact mode (NOTE ON/OFF) or in the double contact mode (velocity.  The according magnets are included.






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